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INI File  |  2004-11-04  |  7KB  |  207 lines

  1. [TMainForm]
  2. MainForm_FontName=MS Sans Serif
  3. MainForm_FontSize=8
  4. MainForm_FontCharset=1
  5. TeLabel2_Caption=Artifacts removal
  6. TeLabel3_Caption=Contrast increase
  7. TeLabel4_Caption=Crispness
  8. Filter_Caption=Process
  9. Default_Caption=Default
  10. AdvancedModeCheck_Caption=Advanced
  11. SpeedButton12_Caption=Open
  12. SpeedButton15_Caption=Save as ...
  13. SpeedButton10_Caption=Cascade
  14. SpeedButton13_Caption=Tile vertically
  15. SpeedButton21_Caption=Tile horizontally
  16. SpeedButton16_Caption=Zoom in
  17. SpeedButton17_Caption=Zoom out
  18. SpeedButton18_Caption=Actual size
  19. SpeedButton20_Caption=Purchase full version
  20. SpeedButton8_Caption=
  21. File_Caption=&File
  22. Open2_Caption=&Open
  23. Save1_Caption=&Save as ...
  24. CustomItem19_Caption=&Resize and Save as ...
  25. CustomItem2_Caption=-
  26. Exit2_Caption=E&xit
  27. CustomItem1_Caption=&Window
  28. CustomItem3_Caption=&Cascade
  29. CustomItem4_Caption=Tile &horizontally
  30. CustomItem5_Caption=Tile &vertically
  31. CustomItem6_Caption=&View
  32. CustomItem7_Caption=Zoom &in
  33. CustomItem8_Caption=Zoom &out
  34. CustomItem9_Caption=&Actual size
  35. CustomItem10_Caption=More &tools
  36. CustomItem18_Caption=&Median noise reduction
  37. CustomItem11_Caption=?
  38. CustomItem12_Caption=&About
  39. CustomItem30_Caption=&Help
  40. CustomItem13_Caption=-
  41. CustomItem14_Caption=Animated &Tutorial
  42. CustomItem15_Caption=-
  43. CustomItem16_Caption=&Web site
  44. CustomItem17_Caption=&Register now
  45. ZoomIn_Caption=Zoom in
  46. ZoomOut_Caption=Zoom out
  47. Fit_Caption=Actual size
  48. Cascade2_Caption=Cascade
  49. TileHor_Caption=Tile horizontally
  50. TileVer_Caption=Tile vertically
  51. AcBuy_Caption=Purchase full version
  52. AcExit_Caption=Exit
  53. AcOpen_Caption=Open
  54. AcSave_Caption=Save as ...
  55. AcMedian_Caption=Median noise reduction
  56. AcResize_Caption=Image resize
  57. AcAbout_Caption=About
  58. AcTutorial_Caption=Animated Tutorial
  59. AcWebSite_Caption=Web site
  60. Help_Caption=AcHelp
  61. CustomItem24_Caption=Default
  62. CustomItem20_Caption=Alien
  63. CustomItem21_Caption=Cell Shaded
  64. CustomItem22_Caption=Jezz
  65. CustomItem23_Caption=Web Mania
  66. CustomItem25_Caption=XP blue
  67. CustomItem26_Caption=XP metal
  68. CustomItem27_Caption=XP stead
  69. CustomItem28_Caption=No skin
  70. LicensedTo=Licensed to
  71. MsgWatermark=Please, be aware that the image will be watermarked as you are using trial version.
  72. MsgNoLoaded=No image is loaded.
  73. MsgErrLoad=Error loading image.
  74. MsgSaveLoad=Save changes before loading new image?
  75. MsgApplyChanges=Apply changes?
  76. MsgSaveClose=Save changes before closing?
  77. BlotchyLook=Blotchy look removal
  78. FilterStrength=Filter strength
  79. MsgNonJPEG=Tried to load a non-JPEG image
  80. Preview=Preview
  81. HintCascadeMenu=Cascade
  82. HintTileHMenu=Tile horizontally
  83. HintTileVMenu=Tile vertically
  84. HintZoomInMenu=Zoom in
  85. HintZoomOutMenu=Zoom out
  86. HintActualSizeMenu=Actual size
  87. HintActualSizeAction=Actual size
  88. HintZoomInAction=Zoom in
  89. HintZoomOutAction=Zoom out
  90. HintCascadeButton=Cascade
  91. HintTileVButton=Tile vertically
  92. HintTileHButton=Tile horizontally
  93. HintOpenButton=Open image
  94. HintSaveAsButton=Save image as ...
  95. HintZoomInButton=Zoom in
  96. HintZoomOutButton=Zoom out
  97. HintActualSizeButton=Actual size
  98. HintRegisterButton=Register
  99. HintChangeSkinButton=Change skin
  100. MsgNotCorrectlyObtained=Program was not correctly obtained
  101. [TMedianDlg]
  102. MedianDlg_FontName=MS Sans Serif
  103. MedianDlg_FontSize=8
  104. MedianDlg_FontCharset=1
  105. ButtonOK_Caption=Filter
  106. ButtonUndo_Caption=Undo
  107. ButtonClose_Caption=Close
  108. Label1_Caption=Radius
  109. GB_MedType_Caption=Filter type
  110. Radio_MedRound_Caption=Round
  111. Radio_MedSquare_Caption=Square
  112. MsgUndo=To undo this action click "Process"
  113. [TAboutBox]
  114. AboutBox_FontName=MS Sans Serif
  115. AboutBox_FontSize=8
  116. AboutBox_FontCharset=1
  117. AboutBox_Caption=About
  118. Panel1_Caption=
  119. ProductName_Caption=Jpeg Enhancer
  120. Version_Caption=Version NOVERSION
  121. Copyright_Caption=Copyright VicMan Software 2003-2004
  122. Comments_Caption=support@vicman.net
  123. Label1_Caption=Homepage: www.vicman.net/jpegenhancer/
  124. License_Caption=License
  125. OKButton_Caption=OK
  126. TeForm1_Caption=
  127. Version=Version
  128. [TFormImageResize]
  129. PixelDim=Pixel Dimensions
  130. Was=was
  131. ErrNum=Invalid numeric entry
  132. ErrOutOfBounds=Value out of bounds, closest value inserted
  133. FormImageResize_FontName=MS Sans Serif
  134. FormImageResize_FontSize=8
  135. FormImageResize_FontCharset=1
  136. FormImageResize_Caption=Image Size
  137. Label1_Caption=&Width:
  138. Label5_Caption=&Height:
  139. cbPixWdt_Items[0]=percent
  140. cbPixWdt_Items[1]=pixels
  141. cbPixHgt_Items[0]=percent
  142. cbPixHgt_Items[1]=pixels
  143. chProportions_Caption=Constrain Proportions
  144. chResample_Caption=Stretch Image:
  145. cbResample_Items[0]=Nearest Neighbor
  146. cbResample_Items[1]=Bilinear
  147. cbResample_Items[2]=Bicubic
  148. Label2_Caption=&Width:
  149. Label3_Caption=&Height:
  150. Label4_Caption=&Resolution:
  151. cbDocHgt_Items[0]=percent
  152. cbDocHgt_Items[1]=inches
  153. cbDocHgt_Items[2]=cm
  154. cbDocHgt_Items[3]=points
  155. cbDocHgt_Items[4]=picas
  156. cbDocWdt_Items[0]=percent
  157. cbDocWdt_Items[1]=inches
  158. cbDocWdt_Items[2]=cm
  159. cbDocWdt_Items[3]=points
  160. cbDocWdt_Items[4]=picas
  161. cbDocWdt_Items[5]=columns
  162. cbRes_Items[0]=pixels/inch
  163. cbRes_Items[1]=pixels/cm
  164. btOk_Caption=Ok
  165. btCancel_Caption=Cancel
  166. [TJPGQuality]
  167. JPGQuality_FontName=MS Sans Serif
  168. JPGQuality_FontSize=8
  169. JPGQuality_FontCharset=1
  170. JPGQuality_Caption=JPEG parameters
  171. TeLabel1_Caption=Choose JPEG quality:
  172. m_pLblLowest_Caption=Lowest
  173. m_pLblBest_Caption=Best
  174. TeButton1_Caption=OK
  175. CancelButton_Caption=Cancel
  176. chkPreserveEXIF_Caption=Preserve EXIF information
  177. [TImgForm]
  178. Result=Result
  179. Source=Source image
  180. [TAdvertForm]
  181. AdvertForm_FontName=MS Sans Serif
  182. AdvertForm_FontSize=8
  183. AdvertForm_FontCharset=1
  184. AdvertForm_Caption=VicMan Software Products
  185. TeLabel1_Caption=VCW VicMan's Photo Editor is a free versatile image editor with an intuitive interface.
  186. TeLabel2_Caption=Red Eye Remover is an easy to use program that is able to remove the red-eye effect from your images almost automatically.
  187. TeLabel3_Caption=Jpeg Enhancer is a program that lets you recover the images, ruined by the JPEG compression.
  188. TeLabel5_Caption=Light Artist allows you to add realistic lighting effects and 3D relief to your photos.
  189. TeLabel6_Caption=Add a touch of humor to your photos with Cartoonist - a compact graphics software program for transforming photos with special warp effects.
  190. TeLabel4_Caption=Check out other VicMan Software products for your digital photos!
  191. TeLabel7_Caption=This advertising will be removed in the registered version!
  192. btExit_Caption=Exit
  193. btPhEditor_Caption=More...
  194. btRedEye_Caption=More...
  195. btJpegEnh_Caption=More...
  196. btLight_Caption=More...
  197. btCartoon_Caption=More...
  198. [TWatermarkForm]
  199. WatermarkForm_FontName=MS Sans Serif
  200. WatermarkForm_FontSize=8
  201. WatermarkForm_FontCharset=1
  202. WatermarkForm_Caption=Jpeg Enhancer
  203. TeLabel1_Caption=Please, be aware that the image will be watermarked as you are using trial version
  204. OkButton_Caption=OK
  205. RegisterButton1_Caption=Buy now
  206. TeForm1_Caption=